OnCall Prayer

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." – Ecclesiastes 4:12

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

OnCall Prayer Journals Are Ready!

The beautiful and unique 1-Year OnCall Prayer Journals, complete with the wonderful Red Reflections 2-ink Pens, are ready!  Several people have purchased their copy this first week of distribution, and the feedback is great. 

The OnCall Prayer Journal is one of a kind.  It is not a book of blank pages but contains 225 pages filled with scriptures and thought provoking questions.  This Journal presents an effective method to enhance your time in prayer.  It will instill a discipline that will increase wisdom and move you from your own strength to God’s strength . . . through effective and continuous prayer.

Each day you journal you will enjoy many scriptures written in a variety of translations to include a purifying process, soul writing, and a section to record your prayer requests and gratitude praises.  The Red Reflections exercise is the best part of the OnCall Prayer Journal and will encourage you and give you hope. 

The OnCall Prayer Journal is truly a diary of Instant Messaging your thoughts and prayers to God.

This Journal is a wonderful tool to help you create a way to pray, write, and hear from God on paper. 

 To order your copy, please refer to the Store Page on this website and we will have one shipped to you as soon as possible. After using the Journal for several days, please email or write me a note with your feedback. 

Thank You.

In His Love,


posted by Sharon Hill at 6:34 pm  

1 Comment »

  1. Sharon, I just wanted to say thank you for the OnCallPrayer Journal. I encourage everyone who has purchased one to really take the time to read the scriptures and instructions, if you don’t you will miss a blessing. As I was reading and journaling this morning, the scriptures were just what I needed to read. God truly spoke to me. If I had not followed the outline, I would have missed that blessing. God assured me that His grace is sufficient and that He loves me and will bare all my burdens. Sharon I know God will bless OnCallPrayer Ministries because you have blessed and honored Him.

    Deborah Fox
    Keller, TX

    Comment by Deborah Fox — February 13, 2008 @ 8:59 am

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